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Getting a Scholarship to Study in Canada


Getting a Scholarship to Study in Canada

First off, get your Canadian study permit. This will enable you to study at any Designated Learning institution (DLI) in Canada. You can have it faster online through the Student Direct Stream.

The Study permit is not your pass into Canada, you must have your Visa or your electronic travel authorization (eTA) which will be offered to you alongside your study permit approval.

Getting a Scholarship to Study in Canada is one of those big dreams that are achievable. However, only with the right knowledge can you be successful. Good a thing, here is a comprehensive answer to the questions on your mind such as:

  • What types of scholarships are available in Canada?
  • Who is eligible to apply
  • What are the requirements
  • The Application process and
  • The ongoing Canadian Scholarship Programs for 2023

Brace up, this article will answer all and more.

What Types of Scholarships are Available in Canada?

Canada offers three classes of Scholarships which are:

  • Government Scholarships
  • Non-Government Scholarships
  • University Scholarships

Governmental scholarship demands that you get enrolled in a particular educational institution like the Commonwealth shared Scholarship scheme. You can see this boldly in the Scholarship program rules and regulations.

Non-Government Scholarship will have you study at the institution and country of your choice or specific ones such as Ford Foundation Fellowships and institutions like World Bank Scholarships.

University Scholarship Offers to allocate Scholarships due to your field of training. And you stand a high chance of meriting it if you are outstanding in your field of Study.

The above was to set your mind for an accurate target. Your curiosity remains about getting a scholarship to study in Canada.

Getting a Scholarship to Study in Canada

Many Provinces and institutions in Canada offer Scholarships to students with low CGPA. However, you stand a higher chance of getting a scholarship to study in Canada if your CGPA is at least 7.5.

If you’re bold about your CGPA points…

Here are the Eligibility Criteria for Getting a Scholarship in Canada

The goal is to meet the requirements and perform your responsibilities. You’re eligible if you meet the following requirements:

  • Apply at a Designated Learning institution (DLI)
  • Sufficient funds to sponsor yourself while in Canada (Scholarship may not cover feeding)
  • Law-abiding, zero criminal records, and police certification(may be Required)
  • Declare to an officer that you’ll leave Canada as soon as your study period is done

When the above are sure of, here is what to prepare your heart for:

  • Outstanding academic performance
  • Involved in extracurricular activities and community help activities
  • Legal Study Permit
  • Meet the required qualities (Leadership skills)

Documents You Need to be eligible for a scholarship in Canada

Though Document requirements may vary between institutions in Canada, however, here are the never-failing asks for of you getting a Scholarship to study in Canada

  • Proof of acceptance: You’re to present the letter of approval from the school to which you applied. An exemption is if you have any family member who has gotten proof of acceptance then, you won’t need another.
  • Proof of identity: Your National ID card, or travel passport.
  • Show that you’re financially fit: You need Carter for staying in Canada, while the program handles your tuition.
  • A letter of explanation: You must state clearly why you want to study in Canada and that you understood your responsibilities.
  • Aptitude test scores (GMAT, SAT, GRE, etc)
  • Proof of English Proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL, etc)
  • other documents: You should be ready to provide any other documents when required before, during, or after the Application process.

Application Process of Getting a Scholarship to Study in Canada

When you have all the requirements, it’s time to apply for a scholarship to study in Canada.

With straightforward information and Document presentation, you should be having a smoother Scholarship Processing.

The process is summarized:

  • Research on the kind of Scholarships you wish to enroll in: This process is not easy peasy as it sounds, however. I’ve lessened that burden by listing 5 ongoing Canadian Scholarship Programs for 2023.
  • Send Your Application letter: Apply online or via their portals. Apply Early.
  • Have a reference letter: Have your religious organization or family write down a reference letter for you with an official letterhead.
  • Poses some sportsman skills and other talents.

5 Ongoing Canadian Scholarship Programs for International Students, 2023

As promised, here are 5 Ongoing programs to get a scholarship to study in Canada, in 2023.


#1. What are the Steps for getting a scholarship in Canada?

Regardless of the varying nature of the Scholarship Application process for Educational institutions in Canada, they all follow similar procedures:

  • Scholarship registration,
  • Student Login
  • Updating the details,
  • Documents upload
  • Final submission.

#2. What are the Exams for Scholarships in Canada?

Some major Examination may include:

  • English Language Proficiency Test: IELTS, TOEFL
  • Aptitude tests: GMAT, SAT, GRE

#3. Does Canada Offer fully funded scholarships for Expats?

Yes, they do. Some of them are:

#4. Where can I apply for a scholarship in Canada?

Kindly apply at the Offering Institution page. This will save you many regrets.

Winding it Up

You need your Visa and study permit ready if you mean business at getting a scholarship to study in Canada. That is just a take-off point for the following action points of making ready the required Documents and meeting the eligibility criteria of the Canadian government.

To be on safe grounds, look up the links to any platforms for accurate updates. Some scholarship programs may close sooner or later.

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